
Cost to Attend

DSU Graduation Smiling Graduate

The tuition, fee, room, and meal plan schedule shown below provides estimated annual costs to attend a Â鶹Porn college or university during the 2023-2024 academic year. These costs reflect base, in-state tuition rates and full-time enrollment of 15-credit hours per semester.


Please note: certain programs, classes, or courses may have tuition and fees that differ from the base in-state tuition rates. In addition, options for meal plans and housing may also change the annual cost to attend.

2023-2024 academic year; consult specific campus websites for detailed information:

Tuition Fees Double Single Various
$ 5,209 $ 1,028.16 $ 3,641 $ 5,133 $ 4,238
$ 4,530 $ 816.96 $ 3,025 $ 4,160 $ 5,019
$ 7,470 $ 1,648.34 $ 3,750 $ 5,500 $ 4,725
$ 4,249 $ 1,228.00 $ 3,180 $ 4,620 $ 4,500
$ 6,517 $ 1,417.96 $ 3,238 $ 4,480 $ 3,350
$ 7,168 $ 1,465.28 $ 3,300 $ 4,800 $ 4,158
$ 4,683 $ 913.12 $ 3,296 $ 4,548 $ 4,814
$ 9,309 $ 1,548.36 $ 4,400 $ 5,000 $ 5,165
$ 9,237 $ 1,714.32 $ 5,140 $ 5,390 $ 5,974
$ 6,619 $ 1,894.64 $ 2,800 $ 3,700 $ 4,480
$ 4,138 $ 1,627.56 $ 4,100 $ 6,100 $ 4,826